Projects for which Minako Seki is working exclusively as a choreographer

Das Kunstseidene Mädchen

Theatre Director: Luise Voigt

Choregrapher: Minako Seki

Hannover National Theater 2024, Germany

Premiere on the 21st of Semptember 2024


Theatre Director: Luise Voigt

Choreographer: Minako Seki

Düsseldorf National Theater 2024, Germany

Der Meister und Margarita

Theatre director: Luise Voigt

Choreographer: Tony De Maeyer and Minako Seki

Weimar 2022, 2023, 2024. Germany

The piece was nominated for the Theater Treff 2023. It is still great success, the piece will continue on stage for 2025!


Bovary, ein Fall von Schwärmerei

Augsburg, 2019-2020


Showcase Beat le Mot

– Nazi Super Menschen sind euch allen überlegen

(DingDongDom, HAU, Berlin, 2014 – 2015)

– Animal Farm

(Theater an der Parkaue, Berlin, 2014)

– 1534

(HAU, Berlin, 2013)

– The Bremer Stadtmusikaten

(Theater an der Parkaue, Berlin, 2012)


She She Pop



Group performance

(HAU, Berlin 2013)


Teatro del Oráculo

VaYven, 2009


Teatre Cantabile 2

Osmotic Cosmos (1998)

Ko-Produktion with the National School Copenhagen

Pentotal (1997)

Dogman (1997)

Alzheimer (1997)

Homosapiens (1996)

The Endlösung – Opera by Michael Hamel (1996)


Minako also directed the choreography of these pieces:


Central Europe, for the National Theater Augsburg ( Augsburg 2018)

Matrioska, for Raissa Avilés (Master Campus Theater, Switzerland, 2014)

Des Plante.doc, for Laura Pacheco (Contemporary Flamenco)  (Sao Paulo, Salvador de Bahia, Porto Alegre and Florianópolis, Brazil, 2013)

Le Cadavre Exquis, for Commedia Futura, Eisfabrik Hannover (Hannover, 2010)