14 – 15 – 16 of May 2021
in Eden***** Studios, Berlin
This workshop is open for PROFESSIONAL dancers, actors, therapists, artists. |
The Seki Method departs from imagination and the endless possibilities of it. Through imagination we can connect consciousness with unconsciousness, as well as micro cosmos with macro cosmos. Imagination is our creative impulse and our motor for artistic expression. During the workshop we use the power of imagination as a main source, to evoke our senses and create natural quality in the physical principles of movement. Read more about the Seki Method
Place: EDEN***** Studio 190 EG – Breite Strasse 43 – 13187 Berlin / Pankow Time of the workshop: Friday , Saturday and Sunday 11h – 16h Fees: 200 € if you register before the 31st of March. 220 € after. Registration : mail@minakoseki.com |
The workshop will respect all legal restrictions according to the pandemic. THIS IS WHY PLACES ARE VERY LIMITED!! |