Therefore, I would like to ask you for help in providing them with support.
We will give 2 scholarships to 2 dancers.
We want to reach 8000 € for their flights, food and accommodation during the 5 months of the training.
Please meet them, Sofia and Mariana!

SOFIA ABLANEDO Argentina/Mexico
My name is Sofía,
Below, you will find my dance and presentation videos. I am very excited about this opportunity to be able to study the Seki Method. I feel very enthusiastic because it’s where I must be at this time of my life.
Due to the situation in my country, Argentina, I have been living in Mexico for four years. I live in Chiapas, on the border with Guatemala, the poorest and most vulnerable state in Mexico, with the struggle for life going through us every day.
Here I resist creating culture, dance, and sharing.
I honestly will never be able to pay the tuition to study the Seki method, so with all my heart and commitment, I want to ask for the opportunity to receive a full scholarship to study.
Financially, I will make a great effort these months to cover the other expenses. I also offer to carry out activities or work in exchange for the scholarship.
My commitment to dance is absolute. I will share everything I learn with you in these corners of the world, where your method can be resignified and transformed through the energy of the place I live in.
Thanks for your consideration! Greetings.
My name is Mariana, below you will find my video, an improvised dance with an open heart as a gift for Minako and Lili, and my presentation video, for the scholarship application. I hope you enjoy.I tell you that I am very excited to receive this great opportunity to train with the Seki method.I met Minako’s proposal in the pandemic, when she generously gave me free access to her classes by zoom The power of the imagination.It was a before and after for my dance, a great door of new possibilities opened for me.The thought of now going to meet her in person and learn her method fills my soul, I am truly grateful.I live in the Argentine Patagonia, in a small city called Villa La Angostura, I live in the forest and here I sow the art of dance.For me, dancing is a way to express myself and heal, to meet again and share with others.I feel committed to Dance to share my experience to encourage and deepen this art, because all human beings are capable of creating their own, free and pure dance.Economically I will make a great effort to be able to realize this great opportunity, for this reason I invite you to support me, contributing with what you can, any collaboration will help me a lot.Thank you in advance for your consideration, regards, Mariana.

As a citizen of the world, you can help her by giving a donation for her scholarship.
You can give any amount! Everything is welcome 🙂
You can make a donation by bank transfer at :
- Name: Minako Seki
GLS BANK (Germany)
IBAN: DE14 4306 0967 1163 1297 00
BIC: GENODEM1GLS (write in concept CROWDFUNDING + your name) - Paypal:
- Wise: ask for the address
Inform us of your donation at!