Stage 1
Over the course of five months and 177 hours, participants will dive into Stage 1 of the Seki Method Teacher Training to intensively explore its fundamentals, understand its movement language, and become fluent in the method on the level of body and mind while growing into a Seki Method facilitator.
Minako Seki has been developing her unique approach to dance over thirty-seven years. Her work has come about through researching movement and meditatively contemplating the worlds of physics, biology, animal behaviour, minerals and plant life, as well as human relationships and the structures of the mind. From this intuitive wisdom she has created dance choreography and a teaching method.
For Seki and her students, meditation and bodywork are the starting points for cultivating a clear mind, which is the door to intuitive wisdom from where dance and creativity spring. When teaching she harnesses the energy of the group to help awaken each individual, and considers joy and freedom of movement to be keystones of her method.
Stage 1 of the Seki Method Teacher Training includes:
- Learning its principals of dance training within the four overarching themes: Power of Imagination, Fundamental Awakening, Dancing In-between, and Dancing the Qualia.
- Developing dance skills such as perception, presence and creativity through group sharing and personal reflection.
- Researching movement to experience interconnectivity with the environment and others.
- Learning and implementing the Seki Method Bodymap.
- Exploring how to synthesise the method with the inner child to support the unfolding of individuality through creativity.

There are three stages to the Teacher Training programme:
Stage 1
Dates: February 2023 – June 2023
Qualification : Seki Method Stage 1 Facilitator
Open to. Everyone, by application
Stage 2
Dates: February 2024 – May 2024
Qualification: Seki Method Stage 2 Facilitator
Open to: Students who have successfully completed Stage 1
Stage 3
Dates: Autumn 2024
Qualification: Seki Method Teacher
Open to: Students who have successfully completed Stage 2 and are selected by Minako Seki
Location: EDEN*****Studio, Berlin, Germany

Stage 1 Calendar
February 2023 – June 2023
(2024 Calendar for stages 2 and 3 will be published in due course)
Module 1: Energy, Alignment and Intention 1: Introduction to sense of hanging from the Earth, Upper and Lower Tails.
31.5 hours
8-10.2.23 : 9.30-14.45 EDEN Studio 150.1 (30 minute break)
11+12.2.23 : 9.30-18:00 EDEN Studio 150.1 (1 hour break)
Module 2: Body as a Waterbag 1: Developing physical receptivity and sensitivity through sensing the fluid body.
25.5 hours
10.03.23: 9.30-18:00 Outdoors (Meditation/Nutrition/Moxa treatment/Exploration)
11+12.3.23: 9.30-18:00 EDEN Studio 150.1
Module 3: Falling and Bouncing 1: Exploring gravity by shifting weight in movement.
26.5 hours
30 +31.3 23: 9.30-14.45 EDEN Studio 150.1
1+2.4. 23 : 9.30-18:00 EDEN Studio 150.1
Module 4: Shadow Side of the Body: Creating, catching and defining space. 25.5 hours
14.4.23: 9.30-18:00 Outdoors (Meditation/Nutrition/Moxa treatment/Exploration)
15+16.4.23 9.30-18:00 EDEN Studio 150.1
Module 5: Body as a Point: Isolations, points on the body and in the body, creating space in-between body points.
25.5 hours
26.5.23: 9.30-18:00 Outdoors (Meditation/Nutrition/Moxa treatment/Exploration)
27+28.5.23 9.30-18:00 EDEN Studio 150.1
Module 6: Space Between and Composition: Dialogue between points in the body and points in the surroundings. Finding your own theme and developing a composition within a site.
42.5 hours
14-18.6.23: 9.30-18:00 EDEN Studio 150.2, + Ritual
Total training hours: 177 hours

The Seki Method Teacher Training is open to dancers/movers, therapists, those working in the healing arts, artists from other disciplines and anyone interested in learning the skills and language of the Seki Method, as well as how to teach others.
A willingness for deep, accurate individual work is required, together with the capacity to care for group dynamics within a collective space.

Fees: €2233
Installments available. Please talk to us if you’d like to set up a payment plan.
If you are in financial difficulty, please write to us 🙂
Application: The number of participants is limited. To apply, please send two videos to (Youtube/Vimeo/Googledrive link, no files please).
Please include one short video introducing yourself and your interest in the Teacher Training programme, and one short 3-minute video of your dance and movement.
Minako says, “I’m not looking for great dance techniques, I’m looking for honest feelings or emotions to lead your movement.”
Once we have accepted your application, you can proceed to the first installment to book your place in the group.

Stage 1: February 2023 – June 2023
Qualification: Seki Method Stage 1 Facilitator
Module 1. Energy, Alignment and Intention 1: Introduction to sense of hanging from the Earth, Upper and Lower Tails.
Module 2. Body as a Waterbag 1: Developing physical receptivity and sensitivity through sensing the fluid body.
Module 3. Falling and Bouncing 1: Exploring gravity by shifting weight in movement.
Module 4. Shadow Side of the Body: Creating, catching and defining space.
Module 5. Body as a Point: Isolations, points on the body and in the body, creating space in-between body points.
Module 6. Space Between and Composition: Dialogue between points in the body and points in the surroundings. Finding your own theme and developing a composition within a site.
Stage 2: February 2024 – May 2024
Qualification: Seki Method Stage 2 Facilitator
Module 1. Energy, Alignment and Intention 2: Embodied Being, expanding range of movement responses from Lower Tail impulses and finding increased subtlety within the body.
Module 2. Body as a Waterbag 2 and Falling and Bouncing 2: Deepening role of relaxation in active movement, fluency of different paces. Developing precision in gravity and the bounce reaction to shape movement on the micro level and within a range of consistencies.
Module 3. Worlds Between Worlds: Exploring the process from creative input to improvisation using embodied imagination. Developing creative responses to work by others.
Module 4. Seeing and Composition Laboratory: Playing with composition techniques, setting the space and physical structure of the stage, making composition choices, taking on both the roles of director and performer, performance practice.
Stage 3: Autumn 2024: 1 month
Qualification: Seki Method Teacher
At the end of Year 2, Minako will select the students she would like to become full Seki Method Teachers. They will be invited to a month-long training in the second half of 2024.

Lili Lenfant / Seki Method School Management
(+34) 632593024